

Anchor Paper Company does its due diligence to avoid controversial sources. Wherever possible, we purchase product with the above chain-of-custody certifications. Periodic verifications of the certificate status supports that the facility and product groups are within the scope of the certificates. That way we can credibly conclude that the products are being sourced with low risk of coming from controversial sources that are not in compliance with environmental and social laws.


Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®)
The Forest Stewardship Council is an international, independent, not-for-profit organization that promotes responsible management of the world’s forests. The organization accredits third-party certifiers to ensure that forests and forest products companies meet FSC criteria for environmental, economic and social standards. Chain-of-custody must be in place at all steps along the supply chain in order for printed material to carry an FSC chain-of –custody logo. The paper mill, merchant and printer must be FSC certified in order to use the FSC on-product label.

Certificate # BV-COC-160175


Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI®)
The Sustainable Forestry Initiative program is a comprehensive system of principles, objectives and performance measures developed by professional foresters, conservationists and scientists that integrates the perpetual growing and harvesting of trees with long-term protection of wildlife, plants, soil and water quality. Chain-of-custody must be in place at all steps along the supply chain in order for printed material to carry an SFI chain-of –custody logo. The paper mill, merchant and printer must be SFI certified in order to use the SFI on-product label.

Certificate # BV-SFICOC-US006408-1
